Business Hours: Monday-Friday 7AM - 5PM
After Hours: Weekends, Holidays, and Weather Related Closings
Emergencies include: Security issues, flooding, electrical hazards, no available working toilet, HVAC in extreme temperatures (below 60 or above 80 degrees), etc.
All maintenance requests for dorm rooms, residence halls, etc. need to be submitted through the Office of Housing and Residence Life
Submit All Other Service Requests via the Service Request Form. For a non-emergent request for any facilities service, you can submit a Service Request through our website or through under the Campus Services block. Once within Maintenance Connection, click Service Requestor then scroll down to begin describing your request. Once finished with your request click submit. You will receive a confirmation email as well as updates regarding your request.
*Please call the F&O Service Desk (256.824.6490) to begin a Dig Permit.